A Lifetime of Behavioral Support

the behavior analyst rat, nicodemus

“… supporting the growth of the behavior analyst from their budding interest in behavior to their failure of the deadman’s test.”


We view the development of a behavior analyst as a long shaping process. The Build A Behavior Analyst program comprises several training components and functionally serves as a multi component intervention to take you and your team further down the behavioral cauldron than is required from any board. Each of our programs is rooted in the science of behavior analysis and we take an entirely different approach to learning and training than most other providers. In short, we use the science, to teach the science.

SuperDuperVision Career Development Tool

We took OBM and crossed it with Tron and Borderlands – and ended up with SuperDuperVision. Our tool supports behavior analysts matriculate in terms of skill development from the moment they begin supervision hours to their promotion to Chief of Staff. This gamified skill/hour tracker tracks and reports student hours but also provides support for developing hundreds of different skills associated with being an effective behavior analyst.

Get Shaped! Test Prep Program

When it comes to test prep our conclusion is for your to FuDGe it. And we teach you explicitly how to do that. Our primary goal is for you to demonstrate Fluency on all the topics and we do that by teaching you the behavior of test taking in the context of fully referenced sample questions. Further, we guide you through the difficult Discriminations within the field and then have you Generalize all your new skills into entirely new areas.


This set of SAFMEDS is like fu*%$(# a thesaurus – you get lots of fancy paper cuts and an origami kink. Included in the initial pack are more than 500 cards related to behavior analysis with progress monitoring. However, we must warn you. We did it PsychCore style – in other words, this deck will make the creators behind Cards Against Humanity blush.

RBT That Sticks

From the basics of the principles of behavior to the philosophy of the science. We focus on instilling a sense of wonder about behavior and a solid set of verbal skills to encourage development among all team members.

Our 40hour RBT training program meets all standards and takes students beyond the basics of the task list(s).