Coming in June to your favorite app store is the long awaited crown jewel of SAFMEDS cards.
This set of SAFMEDS is like fu*%$(# a thesaurus – you get lots of fancy paper cuts and an origami kink. Included in the initial pack are more than 500 cards related to behavior analysis with progress monitoring. However, we must warn you. We did it PsychCore style – in other words, this deck will make the creators behind Cards Against Humanity blush.
Before you embark on this amazing journey of learning you need to lower your expectations and your standards, as your standards of care do not outweigh our need for attention.
Not So SAFeMEDS are intended as humorous examples and or applications of the principle identified on the card. The goal is actually to get you to generalize your understanding of ABA. In other words, if you don’t get the joke, then study until it’s funny. Think of this as the lighter side of ratio strain.
Side effects include: prolonged giggling; inappropriate rhetoric, HR complaints, legal action, and philosophical change. Call your local LMHC if side effects maintain for longer than 4 hours.
PsychCore Legal Team
21/500+ sample cards. Rated R.
Accuracy of measurement
When someone calls you a dick, and you are.
Antecedent control
The thing your mother in law has over you.
Carry over effects
What you bring to your next relationship.
Discriminated operant
Fun fact, dressing for a nudist colony visit is different than dressing for the library.
Escape behavior
If you’re using cards, put them down. If you’re using a phone press the “home” button.
The thing you want to get by doing the thing you want to do to get the thing you want.
Mischief managed.
Prompt fading
Losing your wingman after your engagement.
Relational frame theory
Derived stimulus relations are icky. This helps un ick them.
Response Block
Cock block.
Response generalization
Putting your fingers in a bowling ball: putting your fingers in an electrical outlet.
Response priming
The opposite of response choking.
Self-administered reinforcement
Going to the store to eat a candy bar. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Short-circuiting the contingency
Drinking beer before you go to the gym.
Tandem schedule of reinforcement
An expected but untold honey-do list.
Voluntary behavior
LOL. right. It’s called operant responding – and we only call it voluntary so you don’t lose your world view and crumble into a nihilistic pile of human flesh.